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Albatross Charity Golf Tournament

Albatross Indoor Golf’s 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

The 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Albatross Indoor Golf took place February 28th-March 2nd.

We are sending out a great big thank you to the entire team at Albatross Indoor Golf Centre for the very generous donation of $5,000 from this great event!

We would also like to thank all the golfers who participated in the tournament and the sponsors who donated prizes. Congratulations to the winners! Our community is amazing and we are so grateful.

Donations like this one help us support income-challenged families, individuals, and seniors here in Ancaster who need some extra help.  Donations also help fund our regular programs and services like Meals on Wheels, Frozen Meals, Assisted Volunteer Driving, and Shopping 4 Seniors.

Learn more about:  Albatross Indoor Golf Centre!

105 Portia Dr.
Ancaster, ON
L9G 3K9


cheque presentation

If you would like to run a fundraiser in support of ACS, please contact us at (905) 648-6675 or email us at